Blog Post – The Last Resort
This is a test post to show the Blog tab in the The Last Resort story.
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Proin non leo quis diam lacinia vestibulum. Morbi non ex diam. In feugiat, tortor sed mattis vestibulum, turpis eros sodales leo, ut aliquam est tortor eget odio. Morbi ut imperdiet nunc. Sed posuere neque lacus, vitae vestibulum ipsum luctus non. Praesent nec gravida libero. Maecenas laoreet congue ultricies.
Sed vitae ante condimentum, tristique justo vel, fringilla lacus. Integer ac nisi nec lectus malesuada dignissim. Nunc lacinia volutpat dui, in condimentum nibh posuere in. Donec dignissim varius nulla et eleifend. Quisque nec quam massa. Proin luctus mi venenatis fringilla auctor. Suspendisse imperdiet, nisl nec viverra auctor, est magna mollis mi, et commodo quam felis in tellus. Curabitur a blandit tortor. Nullam velit metus, dictum sit amet sapien ut, ultrices porttitor ante. Integer sit amet erat urna. Quisque fringilla fermentum nisi in consequat. Vivamus in rutrum purus. Nunc sit amet enim vitae massa viverra iaculis.
The Last Resort
Finding herself at the end of her rope, the broke and directionless Sophia Majorelle decides to take a skeevy job offer to work at a hotel she’s never heard of. Sure, she didn’t expect its owner to be a pseudo-Grim Reaper and for the hotel itself to be in the afterlife but, well, it’s not like she had anything better waiting for her.-
4.9 K • Jan 16, '23
Of Bridges and Buses
We are all stories in the end. Your heart will stop, your breath will cease, your flesh will rot, but your story? It will live on and on, in the memories of those around you, in the dozens upon dozens of little echoes you left in your old apartment, in the corner of the local bar, in the scars you left while living on Earth. Two people sit at a bus stop. What they look like isn’t important. Neither are their names. The one on the left holds a paper in their left hand, the thin…-
9.8 K • Ongoing